Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Creating Magic With My First Expert

I had my first glimpse of this world when I opened my eyes in the cradle of her arms. Feeling safe and secure
I had closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep.It was the start of a relationship that was to last a life time.

She initiated me in the uttering of my first word "Ma". When I took my first step her arms guided me whenever my wobbly legs were about to stumble.

She taught me how to hold the spoon and eat independently. There were many a hits and misses but she was always by my side.

She was my fashion stylist. I still remember the day when I wore a black and white polka dot dress specially stitched by her. It had frills at the arms and neck.

I had stood preening before the mirror,it was so beautiful that it made me look like a princess.
She imbued in me the sense of color and till today this helps me in making the right choice by choosing the right combinations.
Perfect combinations that flatter my shape and add color to my skin tone.She was my first expert in hair styling as well  and made me experiment with different hair styles that suited my long tresses.

She was equally wonderful with sarees and the way she worked out the pleats the saree looked simply superb. I finally managed to tie my saree just like she did and always got praised for my style.
My mother was a natural beauty and graceful. This was another aspect that she instilled in me,right from the art of talking and walking.
She was an expert in nearly all fields of life. I learned from her how to put on the wool onto the knitting needle to form a loop and my first stitch.

I also became adept at knitting and weaving in intricate designs. Each piece was different from the other. I took pride in the fact that I could learn so much from her.Cooking was her forte and this was a field in which I did not want to be left behind.I did manage to master a few recipes like the dahi bhallas and the succulent
Gulab Jamuns.

Throughout my life my mother has been my guiding force always preparing me for every eventuality of life. Than came a day when I spotted the first strand of grey hair glowing and standing up aloof from the rest of my hair. That sight petrified me and I felt that it was the end of youth for me. I did not know what I should do? And why I got a grey hair where as my mother still had such long ,lustrous and shining black hair despite being much older to me. Than as usual my mother came to my rescue. That was the moment that she shared the secret of her well kept shiny hair and the owner of the best ,healthy and the longest hair in the whole colony. When she passed on the pack of her trusted hair color to me I was apprehensive about the use of a pack of hair color on my hair. That is the moment I discovered another secret when my mother shared her knowledge of hair color and also her pack of Godrej hair color. That made my hair glint and shine. She has been a veteran user of the Godrej hair color right from the beginning of its launch when it came in a liquid form and was called Godrej Liquid Hair Dye. That was the year 1974. Since then my mother has been a loyal customer who has been using the product for so many decades now. Even though so much has changed in terms of packaging and even the name but the faith in the product has lived on over the decades. As I have received the inheritance of this  family secret of how to keep the hair lustrous shining and  always covered with the most natural looking color's without the presence of any grey strands. I have lean ed the secret of maintaining  hair that are ageless and always well coloured and natural looking.
My mother has been my perfect teacher my first expert who taught me not to be arrogant or self opinionated but self confident.
Thanks to her I have come out of all the trials and tribulations of my life successfully.


All images have been taken from

Friday, 15 May 2015

Life is rewarding with My Airtel App

My Airtel App is a new app from airtel that is aimed at helping the customer manage and get the maximum out of his interaction with Airtel. This My Airtel App is designed to reward the consumer at every step of the way and help the Airtel user get the maximum benefit from every recharge. Bill pay or any other interaction that he may have with the Brand Airtel. In a lot of ways this  “My Airtel App” is like a gateway or a window through which a user can avail of the best offers available to him.

This “My Airtel App” is targeted towards all airtel users be it Prepaid or Postpaid Mobile users , DTH consumers or those going to pay their fixed like bill. There is something for everyone from Airtel and they like to call it Airtel Surprises. Under this Aitel Surprise one can get rewards for completing actions that we do regularly. For example doing a recharge or a bill payment is a activity that would make us eligible for a reward. Now imagine this instead of going to an outlet ,standing in a queue and then making a payment to recharge a mobile or pay a bill. We can do it from the comfort of our home or wherever we may be. The “My Airtel App”  offers not just the ease to execute our Airtel related order but rewards us with offers and cash back. The offers that come to us as rewards range from cash backs to rewards such as a free beverage or cappuccino at a reputed outlet or a free tub of Gelato from a premium brand. That’s not all one could get treats like coupons that one can reed across categories like food,shooping outlets,entertainment,wellness products & services and many more. All these coupons are from well known and reputed brands like PVR Cinemas, CCD or Café Coffee Day,,,,, Archies, VLCC and a range of other stores.

The second part that I like so much about this app is that it is a very well organized app that is very easy to use and at the same time it gives me and all its users the flexibility to prioritize and customize the app. For this purpose the “My Airtel App” has a “I want to” tab . So as a user one can make short cuts of the most frequently used tasks and they would appear under the “I want to ” under the home screen. The of the common tasks that can be added as short cuts are
Bill Payment
Buy Packs
Record a Program
Order Games
View Balance
Data Consumed
Check Recharge History

The third most important thing that causes me to flip for this app from Airtel is the fact that making a payment with the app is very easy. I feel relieved that it uses the PCIDSS certification. This means that my credit card transactions are as secure as any where else as it follows the credit card industries prescribed and followed credit card security certification. I am greatly relieved that I do not have to enter my credit card information every time as it can securely save my information for future use.It is very easy to use app and it makes every Airtel related task very easy to follow and execute. It provides  a real time Bill tracking feature so I can just go and pay my bill and the payment is reflected in real time. All in all It gets my vote for a user friendly and pocket friendly free “My Airtel App” from  Airtel .

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Recipe of a winning Pepsi Ad

What do you get when you take a family from north India and another from south India take some food from their respective states and a Pepsi and put them all together on a bench in the middle of nowhere . The answer is a award winning ad that can earn you a lakh of rupees and lots of kudos,fame acclaim and admiration.
Keerthi  Natarajan puts together an interesting concept in the video ad entry called Rajma Upma. Here we find two families sitting at a roadside bus stop. By the dressing on gets the feeling that one family is from north India and the other family is from South India. They one by one take out the dishes from their part of the country. Though there are no dialogs but the facial expressions give the impression that they are showing off the food delicacies from their region of the country and at the same time they do not seem to approve or rate very highly the food from the other region. However at the end of the food display they each pull out a bottle of Pepsi and this strikes a common chord between the two families and peace is achieved as smiles are shared. The ad is simple yet very effective in clearly conveying the message. This video called “Rajma Upma” gets my vote gets my vote for its simple, minimalistic approach and clear approach and presentation. The video advert. Has been put together by  Keerthi  Natarajan and his team consisting of atrajprabu Mohan, Selvaramesh Palanivel, Arun Prakaash R S here is the video

Another video that catches my fancy and gets my attention is a video called “Ahead of Time” this video has been created by Paul Joki Kokkat and his team.Full marks to this ad for conceiving and executing a well thought of Idea. The ad opens with two girl teams competing against each other in a game of cricket. The teams are Virat’s XI and Ranbir’s XI .I like the emphasis that has been laid in working on even the small details of the ad like each player is given a T-shirt with their respective team color and name. I see that even small budget video productions are taking pains to work on the minute details . As the ad video flows we see a boy standing at the balcony showing a can of Pepsi to the girl who is batting. When the baller throws the ball. The batsman or rather the batswomen hits the ball in the direction of the boy who had shown the Pepsi can. The ball hits the balcony  and results in the can  falling down. Both the girl doing batting and the fielder are seen diving to catch the can of Pepsi. Paul Joki Kokkat and his team consisting of Gurmeet Sodhi, Ajinkya Iyer, Manali, Saima have done a good job in creating this video.

Here is a link to the video

“I’m voting for the best ads in the#CrashThePepsiIPL activity in association with BlogAdda from 8th May to 14th May. Are you?”

This ad gets my vote

The video ad which I liked the most and would like to vote for is Desire which is a video created by Arun Chikkop.  It has used a backdrop of yoga and meditation to emphasize the fact that the time to drink a Pepsi is Abhi . The ad though reminds me of a similar concept that has been around yet this ad is well executed and is an interesting video worth watching. Here is the link to Arun Chikkop’s video entry that can be viewed in the gallery.

The other ads are also mentioned below.

It is an interesting advertisement. The guy is shown enjoying his food along with Pepsi. The bell rings and he goes to open the door. There is a courier guy who gives him a letter and gives him a pen to sign but the pen is not working so the guy goes inside the house to get a pen. The courier guy sees the Pepsi and can’t resist from the temptation of stealing the Pepsi. The guy comes back with the pen and signs. After closing the door he sees his missing Pepsi but he is not disturbed as he simply grabs another bottle. This way both the guy and the courier guy enjoy their favorite Pepsi. Its any thing for the love of a Pepsi.

This is an advertisement that catches everyone's attention. Cricket is like a passion for Indians. We are so engrossed by cricket that even repetitive viewing of the highlights do not make us feel tired or bored. This video is a sure attention grabber. The one man team has our attention till the last. The commentary is nicely said. In the end it’s revealed that the boy is playing for the trophy which is none other than the Pepsi can. It’s a very engrossing ad.

I totally love this advertisement. This reminds me of my college days. There are two boys and one girl who are the best of buddies. They are enjoying each other's company. They are in a joyful mood. One of the boy suggests that they should play the game of hide and seek. The girl agrees and so the boy ties a scarf on her eyes. As soon as the girl is blind folded the boys open her bag and take out the Pepsi cans and enjoy the Pepsi while the girl is still searching for them. Its a very interesting concept which captures the playful attitude, masti, fun, friendship and love for a Pepsi.

I like this advertisement very much. It shows some senior citizens doing exercise. They follow their routine. They come back and they are shown looking bored. They feel lazy and are yawning. Nothing is new and happening in their lives. They feel dull and lethargic. Then they get Pepsi. With the sip of Pepsi they feel refreshed and energetic. Their lives become new and exciting. Their style of dressing changes. Their dull mood converts into a party mood. Pepsi is not only for the young. Pepsi makes everyone young and brings new excitement in life. I like the idea that Pepsi is a hit among all the age groups. The senior citizens are not ignored and included in the fun. I give full marks to this video for this concept as Senior citizens are often ignored. The music is catchy and entertaining.

“I’m voting for the best ads in the #CrashThePepsiIPL activity in association with BlogAdda from 8th May to 14th May. Are you?”

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Here comes Kapil Dev's EkNayiLeague

A new show is being hosted by the famous cricketer who is non other than our very own Kapil Paaji the well renowned Kapil Dev. It is the same Kapil Dev who is famous for his sixes. A person well versed in the ups and downs of cricket. When he speaks of hosting a new show which he calls a #EkNayiLeague and a league where the players do not have to play using their dil. We presume that most probably this new show has challenges where the players have to use their wits and mind to answer the questions posed to them.
As Kapil Dev starts his talk by speaking of his imminent retirement plans and that too to Dev Anand the ever green film celebrity. The reactions of Dev Anand on the subject of retirement are an eye opener. He tells Kapil Dev that retirement is a big no for the stars and it has no place in their lives. This makes us feel that well known film personalities are going to be a part of this Nayi League i.e. #EkNayiLeague .
The next members included in this league are the Tennis stars especially the girls. Kapil  Dev is of the view that it is a great achievement for our girls to be a part of the top twenty. So the girls who are tennis stars and made a place for themselves in their field are going to be a part of this Ek Nayi League (#EkNayiLeague). It would be quite interesting to have a first hand version of their experiences.
Not to be left behind are the youth that is all those young boys and girls of our country who have chosen sports as a career. Kapil Dev is proud of these young budding sports persons and surely they would form an interesting part of this league.
IPL has changed the cricket scene and now cash is flowing into the banks of our cricket team members. They too would form a part of this league where they would have to bat and bowl using their mind.
Kapil Dev invites Bittoo that is Kapil sharma who is the host of a famous comedy show called “Comedy nights with Kapil.” His show has become very famous that film stars want to come on the show and they take this opportunity to talk about their forthcoming releases. People from the tinsel world like to be seen on this show. So let’s see that apart from Kapil Sharma who all are invited to join this league where they are not required to play from their dil.
Overall it seems to be a unique concept which would keep us totally engrossed. We have heard of many leagues but we have to wait and watch to see what this #EkNayiLeague (Nayi League) is going to bring.