Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Making my dreams come to life with Micromax Tab P666

I am an avid photographer and I want to see the world and also capture the moments on my Micromax Canvas tabP666. This has been my most ardent dream which I have always wanted to come true.My Year 2015  rwsolution is to see the world and capture the images on my Micromax Canvas Tab P666.The 5MP Rear Camera and 2MP Front Camera resolution of this new wonderful device is to accomplish just this.The dual camera means a lot to me as when I am away from home I can always indulge in video chatting with my family and friends. The tab also has 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity Using this I can connect to the internet and then make a Skype call or use any other VOIP service. This way I can remain connected to my loved ones while I am traveling without burning a hole in my pocket .Ask any nature lover what is their first reaction when they see a beautiful scenery and the first thing that comes on their lips is a WOW and the desire to be able to capture those moments on camera. Now with my Micromax Canvas Tab I have the world in my hands.Now  I am the master of all I see and do.What a leap in my dreams that will now bear fruit in the new year 2015.With Intel inside it is sure going to be the best and just work wonders.It has the assurance of Micromax quality and what more can I want. Technology has brought in a sea change in the lives of all human beings. There were many things that we all wanted to do, so many things that we have yearned for and so many dreams we have wanted to come true. This could only be achieved by the means of technology.
I have always looked upon with wonder on what all things can be achieved through the use of technology. With new innovations and advances there can never be a dull moment in my life. I wanted to be the doer of multiple actions all in one go from a single platform.The Android KitKat 4.4.2 OS will run this Intel Atom powered device smoothly letting me multi task and switch between apps very quickly. Along with the ability to perform multiple actions my greatest priority was quality. I have always wanted and dreamt of owning a magical wand that would bring out the artist in me, I simply love playing games and have now got the answers to all my prayers in the form of Micromax Canvas TAB p666. With a 4400 mAh battery offering 325 hrs Standby time and 15 hrs  of talk time. It looks like a gadget to suit every traveler as we often have to be on the go without getting the opportunity to charge the device. For a technology enthusiast like me it offers a 3.99GB (Apps + Phone storage) internal storage and and an expandable memory of up to 32 GB. This space would come in handy in storing my photos and videos that I create on the go. I must confess that this new Micromax Canvas Tab P666 comes as a blessing making my life more meaningful and colorful . It gives me a reason to make a resolution i.e to travel and click pictures and more importantly in fulfilling it
More information about this tab can be found here
It has all the features that I have wanted and I am sure that with it I will have a wonderful 2015.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Postcards from down under Melbourne

I love Picture post cards and whenever I travel I like to take pictures and send them as picture postcards to my friends around the world. This does two things, one it lets them experience the beauty of the place as I see it and secondly it is an invite for them to come and visit that destination. Ever since I remember I have loved travelling and Melbourne happens to be one of the top destinations that I would like to travel to.
For me it’s  totally a value for money travel experience and I am simply in love with the city of Melbourne and the idea of visiting it. The emotion it generates is that of a fast friend or a relative that I am very fond of as it is vibrant and full of life. It spreads its arms in hospitality and offers so much that a visitor would never find oneself out of place.
Look at the food on offer, you would get food from all parts of the world in Melbourne .There are a large number of Indian restaurants. Those who want to try food from other regions of the world, for them the choice is aplenty. Don’t believe me then check this out
Victoria and Yarra valley in particular is the home to Australia’s best vineyards and Wineries.

I would love to click pictures of all these places and send them as to all my friends as picture postcards. One of the biggest attraction for me is to go to Sovereign Hill  as its old world charm is captivating. I am also very eager to go and try my hand at gold panning.

I have heard that Phillip Island has over 32000 little penguins and the charm of the Penguin Parade at Phillip island is too much to resist.  The adorable sight of little penguins coming out of the sea is reason enough for me to go to Melbourne.

The charm of  driving along the Great ocean road and experiencing the vast landscape is one the best ways to experience natures beauty that draws me to Melbourne

More information can be found here
Tourism Victoria website

Contest Time : Win a shopping voucher
 Which of these places would you want to visit in Melbourne and why?". 
Contest duration 31-12-14 to 5-1-15

The Contest has ended and the winner is
Drum roll....

Neeta Kapoor
Congratulations  to you !

Saturday, 27 December 2014

sachchai mein chain hai

I passed out of school and entered the  portals of college life. It was a completely different life. There was freedom in the air. There were no rules or regulations of wearing a uniform. There was freedom from the school bag. Here I experienced a greater freedom of expression.  College life brought me in contact with other teenagers of my age. Their thought process was different and more independent. Unlike school life where I followed a set schedule and timetable and used the school bus, going to college was  completely a different affair. Here a free period meant we could go to the library, canteen or an outside café something quite unthinkable during school days.
The freedom of college like does strange things to different people as we begin to experiment with the boundaries of freedom  as we embark on our journey of college life. One day I got an invite for a birthday party from a girl who was my college batch mate. We were all very excited about attending a party. The excitement of my batch mates grew many folds when they came to know that the party had been organized at a farm house that was outside the city. What this meant for me was that I would perhaps never get the permission to attend this party. As the date of the party got close the exuberance of  my friends grew at the prospects of a farm house party. As for me it would surely be out of bounds as my father would not agree in letting me go so far without him and then returning alone at night. Some of  my college friends even teased me saying that till when will I remain and act like a little girl. Some others were sympathetic to my situation saying that perhaps they could go up to my father and request him that he should let me go for the party.Yet another set of friends were of the opinion that since this party would be a great learning experience about the world outside then why don’t you tell your father that it’s a college educational tour that you are going to . The logic they presented was that since the entire college class is going so it can be labelled as a college tour and you are bound to learn something from the experience so what is the harm in calling it an educational tour. At times when we are supposed to make difficult choices our mind sometimes plays tricks and tends to present facts in slightly altered way or by omission or deletion of certain facts presents the facts in a different light to suit our needs. Call it the spur of the moment or peer pressure I decided to go to this party. Reasoning with my mind my heart settled for the college educational trip theory. I presented it to my parents. With some convincing as to how important it would be for my academic progress and there would be marks awarded towards the final  project I persuaded them to let me go. When the day of the trip arrived I reached college with my backpack which had my party dress, all set to attend the party.
The cars had been arranged by the birthday girl to pick and drop us . We started our journey singing songs and telling jokes. It was a unique experience. Then my thoughts drifted to my parents and home. Subconsciously I was all the time thinking as to how my parents would react to my attending such a party and also how they would react on finding that I had told them a lie. Slowly this fear of getting caught was overtaken by the feeling of falsehood. My parents had always done the utmost to do the best for me in life. At times they had sacrificed their own happiness to get me things that would bring me happiness and joy. Till now my relationship with my parents had been very transparent where I never hid anything from them. It was a relationship of trust. These thoughts made me very uneasy. Whenever I used to be in any dilemma or emotional situation I used to discuss it with my parents who had always stood like a sheath anchor for me . Instinctively I reached out for  the phone and dialled my home telephone number. From the other side I heard my father’s voice that was ever so comforting. By now the feeling of guilt had been overcome by my resolve to tell the truth and I told my father everything. He was quiet for a moment that seemed like eternity and then he spoke in a calm voice “Then why are you telling me now?” I said “Papa I could no longer bear the thought of not telling you the truth”
He said “Relax beta, Enjoy the evening”
I felt a burden come off my chest. I had discovered the peace that comes with the telling of truth. 

Saturday, 20 December 2014

No to pre-marital sex

Our culture and society neither sanctions nor supports pre marital sex. It has been steeped deep in our minds that premarital sex is taboo. Girls are taught to make sure that they do not give in to the temptation of sex before marriage. Sex without and before marriage is considered unholy and such liaisons were looked upon with shame and disdain. The elderly women of the house used to keep their hawk eyes upon the activities of the young girls at all times. Any slip on their part brought them reprimands and bad name to them as well as the family.
Now with changing times the attitudes of the people and more so of the girls have started changing. With more and more girls being exposed to the world of men, having taken to doing jobs their morality is changing. Sex for them is no longer something that will bring shame to them, it is a basic instinct and need which has become a norm for them. Girls have become more independent and financially secure. They are a part of a bigger social circle and having shed their inhibitions they do not shy away from premarital sex.
Sex is a strong feeling which is all consuming and can be sparked any time. A sudden touch ,a look is enough to initiate the feeling of desire.
It is very important for both the boys as well as the girls that they do not give in to this desire before time. This is only carnal and debases you. Sex is that something special a feeling of care, that can only be shared with a specific person. It then becomes glorious. This can only happen when in matrimony. Sex then becomes a joy, a feeling of love and sharing which helps to bring two people together. It is the tuning of two individuals who are going to spend a lifetime together. Sex after marriage helps to bring the two partners closer. It is a ritual not just an act, bringing companionship into a relationship that blossoms into love and care. Sex after marriage is not only an outlet for your feelings but it is the process of knowing each other better and at all times the better and only option that makes you aware of how much you are wanted and cared for.

It is the finding of your true soul mate.Only then does the charisma of sex unfolds. to make it the most wanted and desirable.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Road safety begins with me

India is a huge country with a massive population.This population is ever increasing.It is but natural that with this the number of vehicles is also on the rise.A few decades back very few vehicles could be seen on the roads.In Delhi itself there were three major areas of habitation,like the Lutyens Delhi,the Walled city and the Civil lines area.In the walled city area the main transport was the tonga and the bicycles.Very few cars could be seen on the roads,and thus there was little or no congestion on the roads.
Today the scene is different,the number of cars and commercial vehicles have increased so much that they overflow on the roads.At any time of the day,one would find a traffic jam.The bicycles jostle with each other for space and the scooters and motorcycles drive like acrobats ,one moment on the footpath and the next they are half on the road,then they drive erratically trying to edge out the cars on to one side.It is most traumatic to be on such a road and if you are driving in such conditions,which usually happens then you can only pray for your safety.The cars are not to be left out.They frequently try changing lanes,honk regularly as if that would make the traffic move which has stopped due to a red traffic light signal.
The cyclist need to be educated that they cannot just enter onto the main roads where the traffic is moving at a fast pace. They need to watch out  for any approaching traffic before they can come onto the road to avoid accidents.
Students in school  should be given training on simulators to make them better aware of road safety issues,the rules and what to do in case of an accident.
College students are another target group for which awareness camps can be conducted. Apart from that hoardings can be put up across cities showing the benefits of seat belts or importance of following traffic rules. Another initiative could be using the social media. When a person is seen breaking a rule,.he /she must be challaned and more importantly the picture of this person can be clicked and uploaded on social media sites like facebook and  this person's family and friends are tagged in the picture so that in some of the persons a sense of guilt and responsibility may come or else at least they would resist the temptation of breaking the rules due to the fear of being publicly shamed and disgraced as a result of  sharing of their deeds on facebook or other social media sites. And once a person is reported on social media, an app or a page could be made available for people who would like to advice him about his mistakes. This could be continued for 30 days or more for serial offenders. Everyone has mobile phones and apart from social media comments all these advice and comments can be forwarded on his mobile.

Nissan Safety Driving Forum(NSDF) is an initiative started by Nissan Motors Co. Ltd. Their objective is to create awareness towards road safety and promote the sense of safe  driving and being safe on the roads. It also focuses on Safety on the road for oneself as well as for others. The forum believes in covering various cities in the country and has covered cities like New Delhi,Mumbai,Chennai in its drive .
The next cities that it would cover this year would be Chandigarh, Jalandhar, Jaipur, Vadodara, Nagpur, Chennai, Mangalore and Kochi. NSDF believes that by engaging the people at large in this movement it wuuld be able to create an awareness about Road Safety and make citizens more receptive towards the idea of following traffic rules
More information can be found here. The Nissan Safety Driving Forum.

Friday, 12 December 2014

On the road to A Swachh India

The words hygiene and sanitation take me back to my childhood days when my grandmother used to enter the kitchen only after taking a bath,wearing a white cotton saree specially meant for this purpose. The kitchen was out of bounds for anyone wearing shoes or chappals.My grand mom used to draw a line with flour around her sitting place and her mud baked oven (chulha ).No one was allowed to enter this space.I was the privileged one sitting opposite to her at a respectable distance from the marked line.I remember helping her by handing to her the various condiments ,the cut vegetables etc which were kept on a rack behind me. The only condition was that I had to first wash my hands and feet before helping her.This was a ritual that I simply loved and at the same time inculcated in me the habit of washing my hands before handling anything in the kitchen.The cooking done she would douse out the burning coals and the residue of coal ashes was collected for the cleaning of utensils as it was considered to be pure and a good cleaner.This was a daily routine followed not only in our house but numerous other households as well.
Every day she would broom the courtyard clean as she was not satisfied
with the work of the servants. She would personally supervise the washing of all the open spaces and the washrooms so that there were no flies or dust remaining She was a great teacher who instilled in us the values of hygiene and sanitation.
There is no doubt that hygiene and sanitation play a great role in our lives ensuring a healthier life and cleanliness of our homes and surroundings keeps us away from infections and diseases. We usually take care of our homes but our surroundings are sorely neglected.Time has come to change our attitudes and habits.
India is one of the oldest civilizations of the world and has a charm and charisma that has always attracted people from all over the world and from different walks of life,like historians, teachers ,philosophers and adventurers. They came here to study our scriptures and visit our historical sites.Things have not changed even today more and more tourists
come to India attracted by its age old charm.
Although India has progressed in many fields but the only eyesore is our lack of cleanliness and sanitation facilities in the slum areas as well as the villages.
This problem has been on the rise with the ever increasing population. Individual efforts as well the civic authorities must  take the initiative of not only spreading awareness but also take appropriate measures to keep the city clean A healthy environment means a healthy individual The school is a good starting place to teach the children the advantages of hygiene and sanitation.
There are many organizations who are helping in spreading this awareness as well as bringing into the market products which help us to maintain good standards of hygiene and sanitation ,Dettol being one of them helping in giving us Indians better hygiene and sanitation options.
If we are aware of the benefits of good hygiene and sanitation then there is nothing that can stop us from being a part of this initiative. Then  we need not hang our heads in shame and we can embark on a journey to make our country ,Swachh India

Friday, 5 December 2014

Seeing the world with Airbnb

I  thank you for reading my post about airbnb  by joining the community using the link airbnb you can get $25 (~Rs 1525)worth of credits that you can use on the site.
I love to travel and visit different countries of the world. It is my passion and I try and plan a holiday nearly every year. It may be in India or abroad. When planning my vacation my foremost concern is getting the best deal for both the air tickets as well as my stay over there. I always try and look for places which are not very expensive yet at the same time at a central location so that commuting from there is convenient. Getting a good hotel or a lodge is a matter of luck, but now with airbnb it is my choice. I can select the destination I wish to travel to and then select the apartment which suits my requirements from the list on airbnb.  Many choices are being offered as there are quite a few people letting out their homes and apartments the minimum stay being required is a one day stay.I can also learn about the owners from the listing itself. This is a nice concept to stay in a home with the comforts you are attuned to.
Paris is one of my most desired places on my list .So I have selected this charming 2 bedroom apartment, ideal for 2 people between Jules Joffrin Metro Lamarck and Marcadet Poissonnier for my holiday in Paris.

Ideal for two people, the apartment is located in a quiet street on the 3rd floor of a typical Parisian building, Accommodation is ideally arranged with a living room, separate kitchen, separate toilet and bathroom (shower). I can enjoy all the comforts available (TV - Internet Wi-Fi - landline unlimited local calls - washing machine - fridge - linen and towels provided  close to shops , bars, restaurants.
For more info visit
My next choice is this stylish 2 bed home in Walthamstow , London ,UK
Beautiful, spacious two bedroom house with garden in a quiet street in Wathamstow, north-east London.
A 10 minute bus ride from London 2012 Olympic Village and main arena. Underground and overground trains 15 minutes to central London. Close to local amenities, including famous street market, parks, restaurants and supermarkets. It is fully furnished, and has cable TV, stereo, wi-fi.
Walthamstow is an up and coming part of London, with a rich mix of people from all around the world, some great pubs and restaurants and excellent options for travel into central London and fashionable districts such as Spitalfields and Hoxton. Also very near to Hackney, Epping Forest and Islington.
more information can be found here

My third choice is this property in Ausralia : Mona Vale Beach House HavenMona Vale, NSW, Australia
Fresh and airy, this timber beach-house and pool are all style & comfort. A moments walk from the pacific ocean, a family friendly Mona Vale bay, great restaurants and cafes nearby, also great food stores .Nearby attractions are ;MNational Parks inland boating water ways, walks to Palm Beach lighthouse, the Australian Bahai Temple a five minute drive....a short bus ride to Manly Beach and its ferry terminal to Sydney.
 more info here

My fourth choice is this completely private 2 bedroom converted 19th century firehouse apartment in the center of beautiful Lambertville New Jersey.
 This 2 story home has two bedrooms, a gourmet kitchen with restaurant quality gas stove,
 more information can be found here

 My fifth choice is this room for two with own bathroom at Hetlingen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

It´s close to the Elbe river. You can enjoy the nature by bike, walking or hiking.It´s only 15 min to the Hamburg city border. More info can be found here
 All images have been taken from this site

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Traveling in Lufthansa’s A380 for a 380 degree upgrade in travel experience

Lufthansa has been associated with India for several decades. It has earned great respect due to its precision, punctuality and perfection. In the earlier years when air travel was not much popular among  the masses Lufthansa was looked upon with awe and respect due to its impeccable service. Its services were mostly enjoyed by the elite. Still it was hard to get by a booking on its flights.
Today when many carriers have come into service still the full class service of Lufthansa is the preferred one. Lufthansa may be different but it has always kept the nature and habits of Indians in mind. With the ever growing Indian population more and more people wish to travel in comfort and luxury and Lufthansa is their first choice, The only handicap was the seats were always full and not everyone who wanted to travel by Lufthansa could get the tickets of their desired flights and destinations. With the ever increasing Indian population  more and more people are taking to air travel be it for business, students going to study abroad, people wanting to visit relatives settled abroad and all those bitten by the travel bug who wish to explore new countries for leisure and pleasure. The distant lands have always fascinated Indians and being inherent adventurers and explorers they are always planning to travel to different destinations.
Now the scenario is going to change with the coming of Lufthansa's A380 #LufthansaA380  (the Lufthansa India website )

The biggest commercial passenger carrier that Lufthansa brings to India. Keeping in mind the comfort and safety of the Indian passenger.
The A380 are bigger planes that offer bigger cabin area. More space in cabin would mean that all your travel experience would never be the same again .Economy class passengers have always complained about lack of leg room or the seats being too close to each other.  With the Lufthansa’s A 380 being roomier there would be enough space for everyone, more legroom and more space between seats .
Economy Class Cabin: The improved seat design increases personal space of the passengers

Business Class Seats in A380 that offer more comfort and more space to keep things

First Class Cabin with its spacious and opulent seating

 In fact even the seat design has undergone an upgrade making it more comfortable. The  premium class passengers would find enhancements in the interior design and comfort that will make their experience in flying in Lufthansa’s A380 stand out and wanting them to repeat the experience. Long distance flying will no longer be a chore that people dread and want to avoid . A 380 changes all that. Everything gets bigger and better.

At present the problem faced by the passengers when they enter the aircraft is that they have to move at a snails pace due to narrow aisle space. While boarding and disembarking it feels and looks like a congested bylane with everyone trying to struggle with their baggage and they all have to stand cramped together waiting for the people in front to move on. This causes loss of precious time .

Schemitic: A seperate bridge for Premium class and two for economy class at Frankfurt

A380 offers wider aisle space and more space to store your baggage. So getting in and off the plane is going to be less cumbersome and more of a walk in a marvel of technology.

The Indian travellers are getting more concerned about environmental issues and the news is that the new A380 would offer a better load factor and reduce the per passenger carbon emission. These bigger planes are marvels of technology that will ensure smoother take offs and landings. The design enables better navigation through the rough weather and air pockets. This will enhance the flying experience of not only the first time traveller but also for those frequent flyers  who find themselves always on one flight or the other.

The improvements can also be felt in the upgraded entertainment console and the bigger windows give a better view of the outside world. Lufthansa’s A380 offers a 380 degree upgrade in the travel experience for the Indian traveller.#LufthansaA380
A380 Timelapse video