Thursday, 14 May 2015

This ad gets my vote

The video ad which I liked the most and would like to vote for is Desire which is a video created by Arun Chikkop.  It has used a backdrop of yoga and meditation to emphasize the fact that the time to drink a Pepsi is Abhi . The ad though reminds me of a similar concept that has been around yet this ad is well executed and is an interesting video worth watching. Here is the link to Arun Chikkop’s video entry that can be viewed in the gallery.

The other ads are also mentioned below.

It is an interesting advertisement. The guy is shown enjoying his food along with Pepsi. The bell rings and he goes to open the door. There is a courier guy who gives him a letter and gives him a pen to sign but the pen is not working so the guy goes inside the house to get a pen. The courier guy sees the Pepsi and can’t resist from the temptation of stealing the Pepsi. The guy comes back with the pen and signs. After closing the door he sees his missing Pepsi but he is not disturbed as he simply grabs another bottle. This way both the guy and the courier guy enjoy their favorite Pepsi. Its any thing for the love of a Pepsi.

This is an advertisement that catches everyone's attention. Cricket is like a passion for Indians. We are so engrossed by cricket that even repetitive viewing of the highlights do not make us feel tired or bored. This video is a sure attention grabber. The one man team has our attention till the last. The commentary is nicely said. In the end it’s revealed that the boy is playing for the trophy which is none other than the Pepsi can. It’s a very engrossing ad.

I totally love this advertisement. This reminds me of my college days. There are two boys and one girl who are the best of buddies. They are enjoying each other's company. They are in a joyful mood. One of the boy suggests that they should play the game of hide and seek. The girl agrees and so the boy ties a scarf on her eyes. As soon as the girl is blind folded the boys open her bag and take out the Pepsi cans and enjoy the Pepsi while the girl is still searching for them. Its a very interesting concept which captures the playful attitude, masti, fun, friendship and love for a Pepsi.

I like this advertisement very much. It shows some senior citizens doing exercise. They follow their routine. They come back and they are shown looking bored. They feel lazy and are yawning. Nothing is new and happening in their lives. They feel dull and lethargic. Then they get Pepsi. With the sip of Pepsi they feel refreshed and energetic. Their lives become new and exciting. Their style of dressing changes. Their dull mood converts into a party mood. Pepsi is not only for the young. Pepsi makes everyone young and brings new excitement in life. I like the idea that Pepsi is a hit among all the age groups. The senior citizens are not ignored and included in the fun. I give full marks to this video for this concept as Senior citizens are often ignored. The music is catchy and entertaining.

“I’m voting for the best ads in the #CrashThePepsiIPL activity in association with BlogAdda from 8th May to 14th May. Are you?”

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