Wednesday, 18 February 2015

A happy night makes a Happy Child

A happy night makes a Happy Child
Bedtime for my child has always been a very special occasion It has been a time of special bonding with my child when I had  it all to myself.A home without children is like a garden without flowers. My child’s presence lends an extra happiness to our home. His arrival has brought a great change in the household leading to a complete transformation in the ambiance. My child has become the center of attraction and all eyes and ears are always focused on it and its activities. The tiniest of sounds brings  people rushing to inquire and investigate.
This is what I experienced when I had my first born, there was an unsung  song in the house reverberating  from every corner. Every little action of my tiny tot was under strict surveillance of the hawk eyes of the senior members. Its needs were instantly attended to and its cries were a serious offense and a black mark against me. A record was maintained wherein the feed timings were religiously maintained.
Throughout the day there were many people around to take care but for me the best part of the day was when night drew near and I was all alone with it.I was constantly by its side and it was a great experience to watch its expressions which changed constantly. I loved to hold it in my arms and soothe its cries by talking to it and swaying it in my arms. It was a heavenly feeling to feel its cherubic face nestle close to me while clutching at my saree for support and protection. It was a nice feeling to be wanted. I took great care that it got its bed time feed on time or I would have to face the ire of my mother in law. Even I did not like to delay by even a second as it was so dear to me. The beatific expression on its face after the feed was a delight to behold and when I talked to him telling him stories of fairies and princes, he looked at me with an expression that said that he had understood every thing I had been telling him.He loved music as he dozed off as soon as I sang a lullaby to him. There was peace in the house as long as he slept and only then I could relax for a while. All my nights were spent in a vigil to see if he was sleeping in the dry as I knew that it would be a great irritant to his soft tender skin to sleep in a wet bed and spoil his beauty sleep. In spite of my best efforts there were many a times when I was awakened by his cries that told me that he was not dry and feeling uncomfortable on the wet sheet. Then I discovered Pampers baby dry pants an answer to our problem. It was just perfect with no hint of wetness on the outside and completely dry from the inside. It seemed like an answer to a mother’s prayer wanting to keep her loved one safe and dry. Now I need not worry about chaffing skin and rashes as it has a baby lotion to keep the skin soft and moisturized and both of us can sleep in peace. I with the knowledge that there would be no more wet nights for my beloved and he would not get up feeling grumpy and now all is well thanks to Pampers baby dry pants.Now I need not change the diapers again and again as Pampers baby dry pant gives mothers like me the freedom from having to change diapers several times as Pampers baby dry pant lasts for the entire night.Each Pampers baby dry pan can absorb up to 5 glasses of fluid from its surface and can keep the baby dry for up to 10 hours. It also gives freedom to my child to sleep undisturbed for longer hours without discomfort due to wet diapers.As a result my child is fresh and smiling in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. Loved reading each and every line of your article. Thank u for this wonderful share on kids. Really appreciate ur effort. Keep posting with lots more.
